High Performance Pin Oven Chains

With over 30 years extensive experience working with the two-piece and three piece can industry, Brooks has become the world’s leading authority on the design and manufacture of pin oven chains that convey cans through curing ovens.

Brooks Limited

Established in the UK in 1973 and now with divisions in South East Asia and the USA, Brooks enjoys a well-deserved international reputation as a leading manufacturer and supplier of high quality engineered products.

Qualified Engineers & Materials Scientists

Our technical team of Mechanical Engineers and Materials Scientists 
are highly trained and experienced, helping us to offer a technical service 
that is only equalled by the exceptional quality of our chains.

About us

Brooks Ltd was established in 1973 in the UK and operates from locations in Europe, South East Asia and the USA. We specialise in the manufacture of high performance pin oven chains for the two piece beverage can industry and specialist conveyor chains for the palm oil industry.

Brooks Limited British Conveyor Chain Specialists Pin Oven Building HQ

Our Products

Pin Oven chain and associated products

Adapted Transmission Chain

Palm Oil Mill Chains

Our Aims

We aim to offer the highest quality chains to the industries we serve at competitive prices.

Due to our experience, expertise and product range we aim to position ourselves as your technical partner rather than just another supplier.

The success of Brooks is based on the relationship we have with our stakeholders and the need for continuous improvements to become more efficient and productive enabling us to better serve our customers. This philosophy has helped our business grow and diversify over the past 50 years.


Brooks UK

Located in Manchester and serving the UK, Europe, Middle East and Asia. The UK specialises in pin oven chains, sprockets, shafts, precision gears and subcontract machining.

Brooks USA

Located in Denver, servicing North America, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand, specialising in the supply of high performance chains for the beverage can industry.

Brooks Malaysia

Located in Kuala Lumpur, serving Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Specialising in the manufacture and supply of conveyor chains, geared motors and gear boxes for the Palm oil and Sugar Mill Industries.